
Interdentalia Dental Treatment in Antalya

What is Laser Gum Contouring

What makes a smile appealing depends on many variables, including aesthetics and perception.

The position of the upper lip plays a role in your smile, as does the amount of gum tissue on display, the size and shape of your teeth, the length and the degree of movement of your upper lip, and the vertical position of the upper jaw and teeth in relationship to the skull.

A smile is often perceived as gummy when the proportions of the teeth, gum tissues, and the upper jaw lack are out of visual alignment. Technically, research shows, a smile will be perceived as gummy when 4 millimeters—just over an eighth of an inch—of gum tissue shows. And people who show very prominent gums when they smile often feel self-conscious.

Fortunately, there are safe and effective ways to alter the appearance of an excessively gummy smile, especially if it’s impacting your comfort, enjoyment of life, or overall wellbeing. Chances are that if you’re seeking a solution, you have a legitimate problem. But proper diagnosis is the key to solving this complex cosmetic concern.

Just as there are a variety of reasons gummy smiles exist, there are also a variety of ways to treat it. That’s why the correct identification of the structural issues is so important—it ensures that the treatment doesn’t make the problem worse.

What is Laser Gum Contouring


A “gummy smile” is perceived when too much of the gum tissue is visible when you smile. It gives the appearance that the upper jaw is out of alignment, visually. Research indicates that a smile that reveals more than 4 mm or more of the gum tissue shows when smiling is a gummy smile.

What is Laser Gum Contouring


Fortunately, there are safe and effective ways to alter the appearance of an excessively gummy smile, especially if it is impacting your comfort, enjoyment of life or overall wellbeing. Gum recontouring can help reshape your gum line, providing you with a beautiful, symmetrical smile that makes you proud. Before any treatment begins, a consultation is best in determining the necessary structural issues, and then developing a treatment plan for creating your new smile.

We are the first private dental clinic in Antalya, serving in the same location since 2006.We are providing Hollywood smile, E-Max Zirconium Crowns Veneers, Dental implants Smile makeover services in our clinic in Antalya Turkey.

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